3.11. excel - Concatenate MultipleΒΆ

Excel does have a CONCATENATE function builtin, however it does not let you select a range, which can be particularly frustrating when trying to concatenate a handful of cells. Not to mention, if we would like to place delimiters in between the concatenation, we would have to type & "/" & between each cat. Here is a much more user friendly version of concatenation:

Function xx_cat(ref as Range, Optional ByVal delimiter as String = "") as String

    Dim cell as Range
    Dim result as String

    ' step through each cell and concatenate the results if the cell is not empty
    For Each cell in ref
        if IsEmpty(cell) = False Then
            result = result & cell.value & delimiter
        End If
    Next cell

    ' return the results without the last delimiter
    xx_cat = Left(result, len(result) - 1)

End Function
  • Use it in a cell, where cell

    • A1=1

    • A2=2

    • A3=3

    • A4=4

    • A5=5

>>> 1/2/3/4/5