3.15. office - Hidden Window Background Check

Many times, when automating Microsoft Office, you’ll want to keep the application window hidden from the user. If your code breaks when this happens, the application will be left open in the background. Here is some code to 1) check if any application instances are open in the background and then 2) kill those instances.

Public Enum msAppType
End Enum
Public Function CountBackgroundProcess(ByVal msAppType As Integer) As Integer
    Dim oWin32, oList, oProcess As Object
    Dim vAppArr As Variant
    Dim iCount As Integer

    vAppArr = Array("MSACCESS", "EXCEL", "WINWORD")

    'Query Background Processes
    Set oWin32 = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    Set oList = oWin32.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM WIN32_Process " & _
                                    "WHERE Name='" & vAppArr(msAppType) & ".EXE' " & _
                                        "AND CommandLine Like '%-Embedding'")

    iCount = oList.Count

    CountBackgroundProcess = iCount
    Set oProcess = Nothing
    Set oList = Nothing
    Set oWin32 = Nothing
End Function
Public Function KillBackgroundProcess(ByVal msAppType As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim oWin32, oList, oProcess As Object
    Dim vAppArr As Variant
    Dim bErr As Boolean

    vAppArr = Array("MSACCESS", "EXCEL", "WINWORD")

    'Query Background Processes
    Set oWin32 = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
    Set oList = oWin32.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM WIN32_Process " & _
                                    "WHERE Name='" & vAppArr(msAppType) & ".EXE' " & _
                                        "AND CommandLine Like '%-Embedding'")

    If oList.Count > 0 Then
        For Each oProcess In oList
            If oProcess.Terminate <> 0 Then
                bErr = True
            End If
    End If

    KillBackgroundProcess = Not bErr
    Set oProcess = Nothing
    Set oList = Nothing
    Set oWin32 = Nothing
End Function