3.13. excel - Buffer Data From .csv Without OpeningΒΆ

A common output format for many different programs is the Comma Separated Values (csv). CSVs are great and easy to work with, but in order to being working with the data in excel we first have to copy it in. This can be a very annoying manual task that is also prone to mis-selection error. The following piece of code fixes this problem by buffering the CSV file into excel without ever launching a window for the csv!

  • Step 1: Enable Microsoft Scripting Runtime. In the VBA Editor (Alt+F11) -> Tools -> References -> checkbox: Microsoft Scripting Runtime.

This will allow the object FileSystemObject to read data from the csv without pulling up a window. Note that this is a setting for the excel file itself that has to be done 1 time.

  • Step 2: Built the CSV to Excel buffer code. This can be in a macro. VBA Editor -> Insert -> Macro

' set excel attributes to manual for better performance
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

' In case an csv filename was incorrect or doesnt exists in path
On Error GoTo Error_FileNotFound

' Declare the workbook we are working on
Dim WB as Workbook
Set SB = ThisWorkBook

' As for CSV filename. Note that this does not need to be an input box. See more cleaver solution
'  with Worksheet_Change and a drop-down menu
Dim FileName as String
FileName = InputBox("Enter the full csv file name. (ex: data.csv)")

' Get current workbook file path (assuming csv data file is in the same folder)
Dim DirPath as String
DirPath = WB.Path

' Full file path for the csv file
Dim FilePath as String
FilePath = dir_path & "/" & FileName

' Row/Column to start copying csv data to (this example "A1" or cell(1,1))
Dim StartRow as Integer
Dim StartCol as Integer
StartRow = 1
StartCol = 1

' Clear previous contents from cells (assuming we are buffering csv data to tab "Sheet1")
Dim WS as WorkSheet
Set WS = WorkSheets("Sheet1")

' Setup FileSystemObject that will buffer the csv file
Dim FSO as FileSystemObject
Set FSO = New FileSystemObject

with FSO
    With .OpenTextFile(FilePath, ForReading)
        if Not .AtEndOfStream Then .SkipLine

        Do Until .AtEndOfStream
            ' split file by its delimiter, in this case "," for csv
            LineItems = split(.ReadLine, ",")
            ' get the max columns for the current line of csv textline to iterate over
            Dim MaxCol as Integer
            MaxCol = Ubound(LineItems) - LBound(LineItems) + 1
            ' iterate over each item and buffer the csv data into each excel column cell of the current row
            Dim col as Integer
            col = 0
            Do Until StartCol = MaxCol
                ' on csv index starts at 0, we want ours to start at the specified StartCol
                WS.Cells(StartRow + row, StartCol + col).Value = LineItems(col)
                col = col + 1
        row = row + 1
    End With
End With

' reset excel attributes
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

Exit Sub

    MsgBox("Error - Incorrect file name and/or path. Double check .csv filename and path is correct")
    Exit Sub

End Sub