2.7. builtin - Functions


Note that all functions in python end with a return, even when a return is not explicitly typed out in your code (of course this is only true if an exception is not raise within the function). When a return is not present within a function, the function will simply return None.


Note that local variable data will only be stored in memory while the code is within the function loop. Meaning, a variable within a function can only be called within the function. See Common pitfall - Global vs Local vs NonLocal

2.7.1. Syntax

# bare minimum
def foo(arg1, arg2):
    return arg1 + int(arg2)

# python version 3.5+ added type-hints that improves your editors inline error handling,
#  testing, linters, etc.
# to be explicit: everything on line 7 is type-hints. Lines 8-14 is your docstring
#  (for when you call help(foo), or autodoc)
def foo(arg1: int, arg2: str="0") -> int:
    Simple add function

    :param (int) arg1: positional argument one
    :param (str) arg2: positional argument two
    :return (int): addition of arg1 + arg2

    return arg1 + int(arg2)

# lamba function (no-name function, or inline function definition)
lambda arg1, arg2: arg1 + int(arg2)

2.7.2. All about variables

  • mandatory vs optional arguments

    • see line 7 from syntax example

    • arg1 is mandatory because it has no predefined value

    • arg2 is optional because it has a predefined value of “0”, therefore foo can be called by foo(1) or foo(1,"0") both returning the same value

  • positional vs. keyword arguments

    • data must be entered in a positional order, unless it’s fed with keyword arguments (see example below)

# from the syntax example above with foo():

# call a function with positionals
>>> 3

# call a function by unpacking positionals
mylist = [1, "2"]
>>> 3

# call a function by keywords
foo(arg2="2", arg1=1)
>>> 3

# call a function by unpacking keywords
mydict = {"arg2":"2, "arg1": 1}
>>> 3

2.7.3. Common pitfall - Global vs Local vs NonLocal

  • General Global variable

# global variable
x = 5

def func():

# by default, a function will only be able to access argument variable or variable defined
#  within the function
>>> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

def func(y):
    z = 15

# now both variable y and z are accessible, so there are no errors
>>> 10 15
  • Accessing a Global Variable

# to access a global variable defined outside of the function
def func():
    global x    # make it accessible within the function
    x = 500

# using "global" we can allow our function to reach outside the local variables and
#  grab the variable "x"
x = 5
>>> 5
# notice no error this time, but be careful, the function also altered the value of "x"
# note that "x" in the function is no longer a "local" variable, x is now globally redefined!
>>> 500
  • Accessing a Nonlocal Variable (nested functions or loops within a function)

# alternatively we can access variables from nested functions via "nonlocal"
def func():
    y = 5
    def func2():
        nonlocal y

>>> 5

2.7.4. Call function by its string name

  • Call a function by string when it is imported with getattr()

import file1

# in this case: getattr(module, a function is a property of a module)(arguments for function)
getattr(file1 , "foo")(1,"2")
>>> 3
  • Call a function by string in the same file with globals() locals()

# suppose we have a simple add function:
def func(a,b):
    return a + b

# locals and globals will return the same here
>>> 3
>>> 3

# the difference between locals and globals comes in when a property is nested
def nest():
    def func(a,b):
        return a - b
    # locals will look in the current layer (ie. within nest())
    print("from local: ", locals()["func"](1,2))
    # globals will look at the module layer
    print("from global: ", globals()["func"](1,2))

>>> 'from local: -1'
>>> 'from global: 3'

2.7.5. Function dundur

# string name of a function
>>> 'foo'

# list of arguments of a function
>>> ('arg1', 'arg2')

2.7.6. functional programming: map, filter, and reduce

# map works-on multiple iterables at the same time
#   take the following 2 lists and a simple add function for instance
a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5,6]
def add(x,y):
    return x + y
list(map(add, a, b))
>>> [5, 7, 9] # 1+4, 2+5, 3+6

# use filter to narrow down a iterable with a custom true/false function
a = [1,2,3]
def test_odd(x):
    return x % 2 # returns 0 for even (same as true), 1 for odd (same as false)
list(filter(test_odd, a))
>>> [1, 3]

# use reduce to narrow down a iterable to a single value
a = [1,2,3]
def multiply(x,y):
    return x*y
reduce(multiply, a)
>>> 6

2.7.7. functional programming - factory/closures/currying

Factory - A function that keeps its own internal state (see example below) Closure - A “Factory” assigned to a variable Currying - Similar to a “Closure” but input arguments changes the functionality of the Closure

  • Simple Function (NOT A FACTORY example to stage set)

# the following function is not a "factory" because its state is not internal
#   meaning, that each instance of a function will carry the same state, see demo below:
counter = 0 # some global initial state
def incrementer():
    global counter # allow access to global variable "counter" within the function
    counter += 1 # increment the "state", but note that counter is linked to a global state
    return counter

incro1 = incrementer() # if incrementer was a "factory", incro1 would be called a "Closure"
incro2 = incrementer()

# it doesnt matter that we have 2 instances of the function,
#   their "state" is linked to a global variable
incro1 # incro1 was assigned as a function, therefore calling the function doesnt require another "()"
>>> 1

# we would expect that incro2 would also return 1 but their "state" is linked
>>> 2
  • Factory Function

# this is what makes factories unique from regular functions,
#   their internal state unique to each instance
def incrementer():
    counter = 0 # internal state set
    def return_func():
        nonlocal counter # allow access to one level higher variable; ie. "counter"
        counter += 1 # change the internal state
        return counter # this is whats ultimately returned when called by a "Closure"
    # this is the tricky part...
    # when incrementer is initially defined, it runs through the code inside the function
    # sets initial "counter" state to 0
    # setups up a function "return_func()" but does nothing with it
    # then! the "Closure" variable is actually == the "return_func"
    # this is why counter = 0 is never reset after initialized, because
    # calling the "Closure" variable is actually calling "return_func"
    return return_func

# lets see this in practice...
incro1 = incrementer() # incro1 is a "Closure" that sets counter = 0 and returns incro1=return_func
incro2 = incrementer() # lets make a second copy to demonstrate that "state" is unique

# note that in this case we have to put "()" since incro=return_func,
#   and to call return_func we need: return_func()
>>> 1
>>> 1
>>> 2
>>> 3
>>> 2 # indeed state is unique to each instance!
  • Currying Function (special Closure)

# now is the best time to show a builtin - library shortcut from "functools" called "partial"
#   "partial" creates a "Closure" for you
from functools import partial

def multiply(x, n=1):
    return x * n

# times3 is a unique "Closure" created from a "Factory" of multiply
times3 = partial(multiply, n=3)
# another unique "Closure" built from the same "Factory" but with different function
times5 = partial(multiply, n=5)

>>> 6
>>> 10

2.7.8. Trick - Clean Function Piping

Ever need to rip through a bunch of “if” statements to call the function you want? Try combing a piping dictionary with function calls.

def func_one(a,b):
    return a+b

def func_two(a,b):
    return a-b

def func_three(a,b):
    return a*b

def math(val1: float=0.0, val2: float=0.0, condition: str="one") -> float:
    Takes a value and multiplies it by a string amount

    :param (float) val: input value
    :param (str) multi: multiplier in string
    :return (float): multiplied input value

    piper = {"one": func_one,
             "two": func_two,
             "three": func_three,}

        # instead of coding up a bunch of if condition == something, you can make use of a
        #  dict's keyword arguments to pipe for you
        return piper[condition](val1, val2)
    except KeyError:
        raise UserWarning(f"Incorrect input value for condition={condition}")

2.7.9. Trick - Define function via text

# use exec() to execute text and add it to the global variables
exec("def f(x): return x*2", globals())
>>> 10