2.19. lib - Sphinx (code documentation)

  1. Create a virtualenv, see lib - virtualenv

  2. Active virtualenv and add sphinx pip install sphinx

  3. Change dir to your 00_project folder

  4. Run sphinx-quickstart from the terminal (you will want to separate source and build for a cleaner structure)

  5. To install a custom sphinx theme: pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

  6. Edit theme on your source/conf.py file to be sphinx_rtd_theme

  7. Create your docs

    7.1) Make sure your files have headers (line 1: header text, line2: =======)

    7.2) Make sure you add each filename to your index.rst otherwise it is not going to show up as an index

  8. To create your html files ./make.bat html

  9. To clean up your builds before git push ./make.bat clean

  10. Push your docs to your git (make sure you do a pip freeze > requirements.txt because readthedocs might fail for using the incorrect version)

  11. Setup your commit hock with readthedocs (login to readthedocs, add your github project, then build). After your build is complete, each git push will auto-trigger a webhock to readthedocs

2.19.1. Text Manipulations

Ref Sphinx rst docs: - Link1 - Link2

  • To italicize text: *text*

  • To bold text: **text**

  • Subscript/Superscript: :sub:`yourtext` or :sup:`yourtext`

  • To in-text code highlight: ``text``

  • Important messages: .. note:: .. warning:: .. deprecated:: .. seealso::

  • Internal Links: :doc:`filename`

  • External Links: `linktext <https://google.com>`_

  • Section Links within the same doc

    1. put a .. _ref1: above the header you want to ref (make sure there is an empty line between the header and _ref1)

    2. call the link by: :ref:`ref1`

  • Citations: to define it .. [refname1] Title then to use it in text: [refname1]_

  • Today’s date in text |today|

  • Bullets, there are a few not so intuitive conventions about bullets, see below:

- this is a bullet

- this is another bullet

- this is a bullet
on multi lines

1) this is a numbered bullet

    1.1) this is a nested bullet
    with multi lines

    1.2) here is another nested bullet

2.19.2. Header Types

  • Title: ###

  • Section: ===

  • SubSection: —

  • 2SubSection: ^^^

  • 3SubSection: “””

2.19.3. Sphinx toctree

  1. The .. toctree:: must be present in your top level index.rst file. The links will show up on both your page and on the left quickbar

  2. The sub-folder trees also need to have a index.rst with .. toctree:: to properly get nested tree reference links, see example below:

on the top-level index.rst
.. toctree::

in the subdirectory /python/ we have a index.rst, it needs to have a header and a sub-toctree

Python Guide

.. toctree::


2.19.4. Code-Blocks


“.. code-block::” has to have an empty line above and below it, AND empty line after your code. The code has to be on the same indent level as “:linenos”

.. code-block:: shell
    :lineno-start: 10
    :emphasize-lines: 3,5

    some shell code

2.19.5. Code-Auto-Doc

  1. Uncomment the following from your config file:

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
  1. In your desired .rst file, add the following (where each function/class is the member):

.. automodule::
    :members: foo, bar

.. autoclass::

.. autofunction:: folder.file.functionname

2.19.6. Figures

.. figure:: pic.png
    :scale: 50%
    :alt: Alternative text if image does not load, spoken by application for visually impaired
    :align: center

    This is caption text